Whipple - WSC-100AXB
W100AX Supercharger (1.6 liter) / Black / Extended Drive Ready
it’s the only supercharger to provide a positive displacement design for maximum low-end torque as well as high efficiency for maximum top-end horsepower. No other supercharger in the world can offer the same unique benefits. Centrifugals and turbos have tremendous lag time during shift points, on-off throttle and off the line boost. Roots-type superchargers have been proven to not be very efficient, especially at higher boost levels. Whipple Superchargers has a variety of screw compressors for all types of applications, anywhere from a 100 cubic inch compressor to the 510 cubic inch compressor. Whipple also has a wide assortment of drive lengths, pulley combinations and bypass valves for all types of applications.