PPE - 1110200
50 States Emissions Legal (E.O. D-701-9). The best part about the PPE Standard Xcelerator is that it will optimize a stock engine's performance; and works especially well for those who have added items such as PPE's Manifolds and Up-Pipes, a PPE Down Pipe and/or PPE OEM Up-Pipes.
Up to five power levels of additional horsepower and torque (depending on vehicle year)
Adjustable speed limiter (from 40 to 96 mph in 1 mph increments or directly to 200 mph)
Adjustable gear ratio from 2.73 to 5.13
Read and clear DTCs
Transmission reset and quick learn feature
USB side-plug for available updates
Manual DPF regeneration (LMM)
Read real-time data for engine diagnostics (excluding 2001-2005 models)