AutoMeter - RC-300PR
Kit includes AutoMeter PR-20 add-on thermal paper printer specifically designed to enhance AutoMeter Electrical System Testers by providing instant hard copy results and credibility.
The RC-300PR is a portable, fully featured tester that provides quick and accurate results utilizing AutoMeters Award Winning 'Digital Pulse Load' technology. The RC-300PR is user friendly, instructing the user exactly what to do while testing an SLA battery. Professionally accurate test results are shown on a LCD display after each test and can be shared with a customer using the included bolt-on printer (PR-20). The RC-300PR has a built in memory so you can easily review and/or print test results.
- Tests SLA , Flooded, Gel Cell, or AGM batteries. Also tests discharged batteries and detects bad cells.
- Applies a true 40 amp load during testing to simulate real world operating conditions and provide more accurate test results.
- Tests 6V and 12V batteries rated between 4AH - 50AH.
- Stores the last 50 tests in memory
- Test Results Include: Batterys Measured Amp Hour (Ah) Capacity, Battery Voltage And Percent Of Charge, And What The Batterys State Of Health Is (Good, Near End Of Life, Or Bad).
- 30" - 16 gauge leads
- Customer communication with optional PR-12 (external printer), PR-20 (bolt-on printer), or AC-12 (PC cable).
- Tough impact resistant plastic housing with easy grip rubber booth that prevents damage to the unit.
- The RC-300 enables the user to" blue print" known good batteries of different types/sizes to drive improved testing accuracy.
- The unit will store up to 40 different" blue printed" battery types.
- Kit includes AutoMeter PR-20 add-on thermal paper printer specifically designed to enhance AutoMeter Electrical System Testers by providing instant hard copy results and credibility.